Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Image 70 DG Selective Herbicide 11.43oz 70%

Image 70 DG Selective Herbicide 11.43oz 70%

A Better Approach To "Uncontrollable" Weeds.

Image� 70 DG herbicide is a selective postemergent herbicide that overpowers stubborn weeds in warm-season turfgrasses that other herbicides just can't control. Absorbed through the root systems of targeted weeds, Image inhibits the enzymes needed for photosynthesis so food production stops and weeds waste away. When used as directed, Image:

Controls many "uncontrollable" weeds including purple and yellow nutsedge, field sandbur, dollarweed and green kyllinga.
Can be used on established warm-season grasses, such as bermudagrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass and zoysiagrass, as well as many landscape ornamentals and ground covers.

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Image� 70 DG Herbicide
Image 70DG Herbicide
A Better Approach To "Uncontrollable" Weeds.

Image� 70 DG herbicide is a selective postemergent herbicide that overpowers stubborn weeds in warm-season turfgrasses that other herbicides just can't control. Absorbed through the root systems of targeted weeds, Image inhibits the enzymes needed for photosynthesis so food production stops and weeds waste away. When used as directed, Image:

Controls many "uncontrollable" weeds including purple and yellow nutsedge, field sandbur, dollarweed and green kyllinga.
Can be used on established warm-season grasses, such as bermudagrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass and zoysiagrass, as well as many landscape ornamentals and ground covers.

General Information
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General Information
Summer Weeds Controlled By Image.

Image controls a variety of summer weeds, including:

Field Sandbur
Perennial/Annual Ryegrass - overseeded
Globe Sedge
Green Kyllinga
Rice Flatsedge
Purple Nutsedge
Yellow Nutsedge

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